xmas presents from cc & jj... muak muak

the sexy babe... check out the bikini

the big tough guy!!!

ray ern dare not go into the pool... too violent, hehehe.

shoot them ok??

yeah cut cake cut cake...
date : 25 december 2006
time : noon till 4pm
venue : home sweet home
we had a small get together yesterday. After a while, the mothers complaint that I didnt blow up the pool, so I quickly went in and brought out the pool. Before the pool was filled, all u little fellas already started jumping in. You stayed outside the whole time. I guessed you were afraid of those bigger kids.. but lauren was in there. sigh.
Everyone was soooo happy. Darren was the king of the pool. He was splashing away. He even started a water fight with a.audrey. Hahaha, all the aunties were wet. Thanks to ying ying & darren. Even lauren was being attacked. You were so timid, you stayed outside the pool, holding the hose - spraying water at others. Hahaha.
After about 1 hour, we brought each one of you up. Obviously you guys didnt want, so you all left the pool crying... We all went in to cut the cake a.aud brought.
Darren - he sure is a tough guy... Not afraid of anyone, soooo cute & chubby. Weighing at 16kgs, I could hardly hold him up.
Lauren - the clever little girl. Though the youngest, she knows a lot. kk & pp said she can really speak a lot. She knows all her shapes and could count 1 -30 already. I love her saying "mmm.... delicious."
Davin - the "use to be quiet" boy, turned out to know how to fight for himself already. Not so si mun already.