Saturday, May 13, 2006

A Day Out in the Sun

My phone rang at 10am. It was kk. It has been quite a while since the last time I slept till so late. But because I slept at 4am the night before, I almost couldnt wake up for breakfast. So I quickly changed and waited for you all to come pick me.

We went for breakfast in Imbi. It was really hot, and you were sleepy cause you woke up at 8am. After that we all headed to KLCC. Once we reached, you were hyper active. Not sleepy anymore. You ran around, kk & pp were so happy to see you laughing. Then we went to the park, to snap some photo. It was really hot.

After that, you walked into chinoz, right to where we always sit. Hahah, the waiters & waitresses didnt know what to do then, just laughed and was puzzled why suddenly such a young customer appeared at their restaurant. hehe. I watched you from behind, so funny...

Then we went off. Did some shopping while you ran around. Soon you used up all your energy, slept so soundly in your stroller.

a.aud called. She was in chinoz with lil lauren and a.rena. We all went over to meet her. Lauren wanted so much to play with you, but you were asleep. We sat there for a good hour & a half, you were still sleeping. Soon we all left and you only woke up when we reached home.

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