Monday, May 01, 2006

Mother's Day Gift

I made daddy give me a gift for every Mother's Day until the day you can afford to buy for me yourself. And hahaha, this time he bought me something I longed for - a camera.

Early this morning, we went for a beautiful breakfast with pp, kk, jj,, heong.yp & james.yk in Imbi Palace. Thank god they gave us a room, where you can run around. After the breakfast, everyone made their own plans. We went to Lot10 - sms-ed a.vp & a.aud. They were both not free yet. We walked around, you were so happy running around in the complex.
We went to see camera. Yes yes, thanks to daddy, he finally got me a brand new nikon camera. And it's red - my favorite color. Nice, I only hope it works as good as my old canon. We shall see and I'm looking forward to taking more & more perfect photos for you...

p/s. after waking up from your nap, you were playing around the room. then you heard daddy snored. so i asked you "rayern, how daddy sleep ah?". you replied "ngorrr ngorr (the sound of snoring)... Hahaha

1 comment:

kiLikiNa said...

your dream came true! finally got what you longed for.:)