Thursday, March 23, 2006

Blow the Candles

You were in the office almost the whole day. pp needed a new hair style, so she dropped you here and off she went to the salon. So I drove you out for a ride. I went to this bakery, I saw a fairly cute cake. It's about 6" in diameter. So cute, I bought it. You kept on pointing at the cake in the car. Dear you have to wait till we get back to the office.

When we reached the office, I took it out and sang happy birthday. You clapped your hands (you do that everytime you hear this song), and when the song ended, you blew the cake. Hahaha...

We'll have to wait another 7 months before you can really blow tha candles... So cute.


Egghead said...

my boy dunno blow how many candles and cut how many cakes liao since he was born... LOL! They just love it!

VP said...

yummy cakes...old fashion one or modern one?

u know it makes a difference!