Thursday, March 09, 2006

Mickey On Ice

Last month, a.penny asked me to bring you to Disney On Ice, I was so happy. But when I went home to ask daddy, he said no, cause you are too young to enjoy it and you will not stay put for 2 hours to watch a show. Then again I thought, true enough, so I let it went pass just like that. I've asked a.vp, a.aud & a.ailyn to bring their kids too. It seemed no one was interested.

This morning, I got an sms again from She persuaded me to accompany her. And after much consideration (being asked so many times by a.penny, u.rodney &, I finally decided to bring you there.

I thought, what the heck, I know you will love it, you always love Mickey Mouse, you know who Pluto & Donald Duck are. So might as well bring you there to enjoy. Even if you were to stay only 10 minutes inside - I know I have done my part... that is to bring my beloved precious most adorable child to see his favourite character!!!

1 comment:

Egghead said...

wah! so lucky ler... I also wanna go!!