Monday, March 06, 2006

I Love You

All parents are proud of their kids. I am no different from any parent. I am always proud of you, in fact I am very proud of you. You seemed to be so observant, that nowadays I have to be real careful when doing things. You would catch and repeat what I do just once seeing it.

It is really nice to see you grow, see how fast you learn things. I sometimes sit and wonder.... wow, you are already 16 months. That is so fast. I love you just the same. From the moment I held you in my arms 16 months & 3 days ago, I know I am the luckiest.

True enough, you grew to be a perfectly healthy boy - mischievous enough to make me laugh every minute with you. Although at times, you may be a little off... Well, I have been really patient with you. Have I ever hit / beat you? Hmm, maybe once, those beating on hands doesnt count... hehehe. How can I actually beat you? Everytime I scold or beat you, instead of being angry with me, you would be extra manja, crawling to me, wanting me to sayang you back.

Each time I scold or beat you (slightly on your hands), daddy would go to your rescue. But instead of hugging him, you hugged me instead. And daddy's always jealous. Hehehe, you will not stop crying until I apologised. Hehehe, sorry for hitting you. But mummy dun want you to turn into a rascal.

I love you!!!


Egghead said...

daddy to the rescue also went back to mummy ah? not fair ler :P

-jOAnnE- said...

hehehe, tat's what daddy always say. hehehe, wat to do, mummy's boy ma.

fyi, even when daddy scold, also comes back to mummy.

VP said...

like i ALWAYZ emphasize, maternal love is IRREPLACEABLE!