Monday, January 09, 2006

Sue's 9 Question Tag

After reading Sue's blog, I realised that I have been tagged. Seriously I have no idea what this 'tag' thing is... but I will just do as it says.

And I have to actually invite people to this also. But I dont have 5 blogger friends. So, I'll just tag the following.....

1) Christine

Haha!!! Here goes my tag...

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago, I was doing my SAM (South Australian Matriculation in Taylor's College). Enjoyed not as much as University days though....

2. What were you doing 1 year ago?
9 Jan 2004.. I cant even remember what happened last week. I have slight amnesia. Well, after looking back at the calendar, I found out it was a Sunday, so I guessed I would have been playing with my dearest boy.

3. Five super fatty and high cholesterol snacks you enjoy:

French Fries
Rubbish (ie snacks)

4. Five songs to which you know all the lyrics off your head right now:
Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson (as I'm listening to it right now) not really all teh lyrics but 60%

Knick Knack Paddy Whack
Red River Valley
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

5. Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Invest - buy any properties I can think of...
Move into a 15000 sqft house where my dear hubby can rare fish, ray ern can have his own big playground
3 months of travelling - wholly
Shop till I drop

6. Five bad habits:
slight amnesia

munching on rubbish food
tv series freak
hate to be alone
ghosts???? (hehe, shy la to say)

7. Five things you like doing:
spending time with ray ern

learning ray ern's new tricks
taking pictures of everyone
being with buddies, chatting & sharing diapers' stories
putting my mcguyver skills into use (ask janie)

8. Five things you would never wear, buy, or get new again:
I have cracked my head thinking of not 5 but 1 answer for this...

and i really cant think of anything that i never wear, buy or get a new one again....

9. Five favourite toys:
ray ern's toys - frankly speaking, i am always the first to play with his toys


Kampungkai said...

arlowww.. kampungkai here! haha!
i like playing with kids' toys too! somehow it's fun rite? i love LEGO, damn nice la...

ern's mummy said...

hehe, yes it sure is fun. i can spend hours in toys'r'us searching for toys...

On behalf of Lauren said...

who is kampung kai ? well was that full day of outing hehehehe ...

On behalf of Lauren said...

n what on earth is the tag thingy all about ..... i am lost

VP said...

just do it audrey,...don ask! you have been summponed!

kiLikiNa said...

yeah, audrey. just do it. i've done mine! hahaha!

Sue said...

hey... this means you're one year younger than me lah... ^_^ and did SAM at the same place summore worr..

ern's mummy said...

hehe, i guess so lo. i 1977 u leh??
yup, taylor's college....

Sue said...

Ehh... me also 1977 worr...