Monday, January 02, 2006

The Teh's Hospitality

We reached a.aud's house around 830pm. We woke you up from your nap, and you were still blur. Lauren wasted no time, the moment she saw you, she grabbed you, like always. I saw the yummy big head prawns and huge crabs.

Soon the other yap family arrived. Renee was so cute, dressed in her chinese top and jeans and a santa's cap. She greeted me with a kiss and Happy New Year. When you saw her, you called out for her as well. She came over and played with you. Hmm.. sometimes I think you are more shy than the girls....

I left you inside to play with lauren & renee, while we parents indulge ourselves in the mouth watering seafood. Even the non-seafood lover a.vp, had her share too. There were lamb, hokkien mee, crab, udang gala, mashed potatoes, fried rice, claypot rice etc... Nice yummy meal.

After that we went back in and you guys played more. After dessert, we left. We couldnt wait till midnight cause you were rubbing your eyes again. We thank the Teh's, but a.aud was no where at sight, she was putting lauren to sleep.

Before we left, I asked you to kiss renee. You kissed her on the lips and for the next 20 seconds your eyes were locked at her. Hahaha, as if you have lost your first kiss... All of us laughed. Then when renee wanted to kiss you back, you shy away. Hehehe, shy boy.

Thanks again for a.aud's hospitality!!! and not forgetting her mummys delicious meal.

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