Tuesday, July 12, 2005

First Bump On the Head

Ohh... poor thing, you fell and knock your head. I wanted to cry when I saw the bump on your head. I blew up the pool (w/o water) so that you can play inside, trying to make it work like a playpen. Daddy & I went out to tabau for Ailyn, Mark & ourselves, so we left you at home with kakak. She put u on the floor to crawl. She told me she left you there and went to the kitchen for a while. Suddenly heard you cry out loud. According to her you wanted something in the pool, so you climb over and fell on your head. Poor thing. I felt so bad for leaving you at home. Thank god you're fine.

Anyway, Saturday afternoon Zoee came with Penny & CheeHow and Cookie (puppy). Your eyes followed Cookie everywhere. But when she moved closed to you, you moved back. Ha ha, wanna busy body, but scared. Zoee's very talkative too. Laughed so much.

Later in the evening, Ailyn & Mark brought Jada over. Jada is very talkative now too. I think the 1977 girls' babies are all talkative. Jada kept on pulling you. You seemed shy. Ha ha.

I noticed that everytime you havent enough sleep in the day, you will wake up crying in the middle of the night. Maybe you are too tired. Poor thing.

Just now pp brought you here for lunch. We call you the CEOjai. Cause u come in 1-2 hours, then go home. Whenever you come, you will turn my work place around. Open my drawer and start throwing things on the floor. By the time you leave, all my stationeries will be on the floor. But still, everyone in the office loves your presents.

Oh I just remembered.... Uncle Gary & Aunty Christine will be getting married on 1 January 2006. She wants me to help her coordinate her wedding in exchange for the website she helped me to do for you. So I told her that for her wedding, you will be wearing the traditional chinese attire for the morning and a lil' tux for the dinner. She said she can't wait to see you in your tux. Me, too....

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