0230 hours - Woke up, water bag burst but no labour pain. Didnt know whether it really is or not. My due date was 15 Oct, now it's 2 weeks earlier. But i remembered doctor said, if you are not sure, just walk around, if water keeps on coming out, it's labour.....I did and yes, it was labour.
I think it's fate, dad not around. Well, forgivable, as we didn't expect you to arrive 2 weeks earlier. Anyway, I woke pohpoh(pp) and kungkung(kk) up to send me to hospital. Went to take my bath. Lucky I did the pre-admission thing, everything was fast. Nurse pushed me into Labour Room 5.
Got changed to their ward dress. They put some sensor on my tummy, one showed your movement and the other my contractions. I asked kk and pp togo home first as I don't think I will deliver so fast, and they need to rest. After they left, the nurse came to check my cervix, no dilation. No labour pain, no contractions. Nurse asked me to sleep first as I'll have a hard time later. I asked her if there were any cases where labour is no pain??? She said never.... After they left, I started to write this, and took a few photo of the labour room....
Rested...You sleep when I lie on my back, so the nurse asked me to lie on my side to wake you up. Your heart rate should remain between 120-160.
Couldnt get myself to sleep, so started to sms everyone. Sms-ed Ka Hoe, no reply.
They gave me enema to clear my bowel. Very tired but still can't sleep. Still no contraction. Called KaHoe to wake daddy up. Talked to him, He also can't sleep... Wished he was here. He very kan cheong also.
0630 hours - Finally feel asleep...
0700 hours - Dr Alex came. He said after water bag burst within 24 hours must deliver, cause there are risks of infection. If 12 hours still no contraction, have to induce. If induce still no contraction/dilation, very high possibility of caeserean... damn... After breakfast, no solid food. Cervix dilated 1.5 - 2cm (birth 10cm).
0730 hours - Slept
0800 hours - Woke up for breakfast. Just had a slice of bread. Nurse asked me to walk around, as this would speed up dilation. I walked for half & hour.
Phone no battery, called pp to bring my charger. pp came at 10am brought breakfast, but I can't eat.
Called daddy, Ailyn & Sandy.... Still nothing, walked again, tried tog et some sleep.
1400 hours - Dr Alex came, said to induce. He didnt check my cervix cause if water bag burst it's not advisable to check too often as it may lead to infection. He said induce most for 7 hours. Latest by 2100 hours must deliver. I waited and waited... still no sign. Contraction increased but no pain at all....
Ailyn & Mark came. Followed by jiujiu(jj), nicole, avvy davin and pp..... Like having a party or something. They all left bout 1900 hours. MaMa(mm) & Kuku(ku) came. Felt a lot of water. Must be 2nd time water bag burst. I intercomed the nurses. She came and said no dilation. Still 1.5 - 2cm. Right after that Dr came. Checked - he said it wouldn't happen, even in the next 2 hours. He suggested C-Section.Well, do I have a choice???
I was so scared. pp, kk & jj went home. daddy not here.... Still can't get him, called KH, David also can't get. At last got him just before going into the operation theater... Cried so much. I never was scared about labour.. All I'm scared is the CUT....
The anaesthetist came, told him I had asthma. He said he will check my lungs to see if I can go for general anaestatic. Went into the theater.. The last thing I remembered was the oxygen.....
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