Sunday, November 13, 2005

Not Really A Birthday Party

We left office at 1130am, to get pressies for Ruy Quin (a.suet mei’s daughter). It was her first also. Wow, so many birthday parties to attend these days. You were as usual shy, but after ½ hour you were crawling hi & low. a.suetmei, jj & I wanted to talk so I put you at the fridge while you played with the magnets. Then a.suetmei gave you grapes. You saw jj peeling the skins before eating them. You insisted on having one, then you started to peel the skins. You tried so hard, and finally when you got it out, you put it in your mouth. a.suetmei said you were clever.

Anyway, it wasnt really a birthday party. It was more like a family & close friend get together. Only 2 babies around, just you & RuyQuin. It's okay though. It's always good to have another friend. And that was why I brought you.

After that on the way home jj bought you McD fries. You loved it. We watched tv at home. Then kk came to play with you. Then you slept from 6 – 8pm. We met the other yap family for dinner. I fed you your porridge and renee wanted a little. In the end, she ate almost all of it. Reeve was busy enjoying his tomato pretzels.
You always loved seafood. Daddy fed you crab , that made you sat still.

After dinner we went home to watch movie. You 3 musketeers played a while before Reeve went up to bed.
Left you & renee. You both started with riding on the bikes, then into the tents, underneath the mattress, eating all the snacks you could find.

Then being a good husband, u.kwailo massaged a.vp. Everyone asked why you started hitting my back. I told them my lovely boy is giving me a massage. Hahaha, so cute, this manja fella. Daddy was jealous.
I’m so proud of you. I‘m glad that you always share. You never cry when people take your toys. I love you.

You are so observant, or should I say curious. You always looked at people when they do things. Yesterday I observed you myself. I saw you looking at how u.kwailo took his sotong out to eat, how renee played your toys.

You slept at 1230am. I'm tired baby.


kiLikiNa said...

good idea to train ray ern to give you massage. last time, my dad also taught me to give "tam kuat" for him every night until i grew older and refused. hahaha! ask ray ern to massage me also arr. thanks in advance!

ern's mummy said...

heheh no problem la... wo!