Then we put you on the road. pp & I hold one hand each. You started to walk. I think must be the "falling" that made you didnt wanna walk. Poor thing, you fell too many times.
After dinner, we went to Tesco. You were so tired but still you nodded your head when asked if you wanna go Tesco. I looked high & low for the small trolley, but couldnt find any. So you stand up in the big trolley. Everytime when we are near the shelves, you will reach out and grab whatever you can. At the end of the spree, I had to put everything back.
Before we left, saw 2 kids unloading their groceries from the small trolley. Our eyes didnt leave that trolley... The kids were still holding on to it. Once they let go, I went over to grab it. The we began to put some stuffs inside for you to push. You walked so far. And when we were behind, you would "eee-aaa" to us, and start complaining in your own baby language. You must be saying why arent we walking in front of you.
So funny.... After that we left. It took you 2 minutes to fall asleep in the car.
yeah, ray ern was so cute when he pushed his own trolley. will send you the photos once i downloaded them from the camera. :) - hehhe, i think it was the cutest when he asked us to walk fastest.
please please i want the phot ok.
mami - heheh, well, all babies have their cuteness.
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